Picture day is a big day for any family, but especially for the Harrells! Now, I'm not talking about my Harrell family of 3, but my in-laws. They are a family of 15. Yep, that's right! With two kids married off, that brings it down to 13 family members in the picture.

With 13 kids ranging from ages 5 to 28, Guy and Suzi are great at staying organized and having a system, and of course, the older ones help out as well. By now, they are pros at picture day and coordinating everyone's outfits! I love that even though it can be hard to get any family ready and prepped for pictures, they have always made it a priority to have a family portrait taken each year, and every year they send a Christmas card with their photo and a well-crafted letter detailing the lives of everyone in the family that year. The years pass so quickly and kids change so fast, so it's a wonderful tradition to capture the moments as often as you can in pictures and in writing.

My favorite is getting to take individual shots of the kids! Aren't they photogenic?

This little dude was the ring bearer in our wedding. Can't believe how big he's gotten!

This sweet girl was a natural and came up with her own perfect pose before I even gave her any instructions!

This is one of my favorite shots! Bethany is a such a beautiful model!

I also got to take some pictures of the grandparents! They are coming up on their 60th anniversary. How rare and special is that?

Papa loves to dance, so I had to get one of them dancing.

Just hanging out on the swing set while the rest of the family gets their pictures taken!

It was lots of fun capturing this wonderful family! People always thought I had a big family growing up because I am one of 5 kids, but it was always normal to me! I guess your perception of a "big family" comes down to what you're used to. This day in age, large families are more rare and people often think it's crazy, but big families don't have to be chaotic, and they are lots of fun! Picture day was a success, and I'm already looking forward to the next one!